Also Known As: Bacterial Vaginosis. Vaginal Infection. Yeast Infection. Candidiasis. Trichomoniasis, Trich, Vulvovaginitis

What is Vaginitis ?
Vaginitis is a common condition that causes vaginal irritation. This can lead to other types of vaginitis, including bacterial vaginosis.
So … What causes vaginitis? There are a few reasons you might be experiencing it, such as:
- Using a douche
- Sexual intercourse
- Spermicides
- Hormone levels change from menopause, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
What is Vaginosis ?
Vaginosis is the term we use when the vagina is infected. This is when normal cells are covered with bacteria.
Causes of vaginosis might be:
- More than one sexual partner
- Having a new sexual partner
- Using a douche
Symptoms of vaginitis :
Symptoms of vaginitis may include:
- Change in color, odor or amount of discharge from your vagina
- Vaginal itching or irritation
- Pain during intercourse
- Painful urination
- Light vaginal bleeding or spotting
Symptoms of Vaginosis :
Sometimes there are no symptoms for bacterial vaginosis. When symptoms are present, they may include the following:
- White or dull grey discharge
- Itching of the vagina
- Strong fishy odor
- Burning while urinating
How to diagnose Vaginitis ?
Doctor will obtain a sample of vaginal discharge to test for vaginitis using a microscope.
High Vaginal Swab (hvs) : This test for the presence of candidiasis infection, bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas vaginalis.
How to diagnose Vaginosis ?
A sample of vaginal secretions will be obtained and examined under a microscope. We will look for cells that are covered with bacteria. This is a sign that bacterial vaginosis is present.
High Vaginal Swab (HVS) : This test for the presence of candidiasis infection, bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas vaginalis.
Treatment of Vaginitis
- Pill taken orally
- Gel or cream to apply to the vagina
Treatment of Vaginosis
- Prescription gel or cream
- Oral prescription medication
Possible References Used