5000 Plus MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologists are designed to test the knowledge and proficiency of laboratory professionals who work in the field of clinical laboratory science. These questions cover a wide range of topics related to laboratory science, including anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, and hematology.

2751 to 2800 MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation
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Questions 2751 to 2800
- Negative phase is seen in _ immunity?
- Active ✔️
- Passive
- Herd
- Local
- When horse serum is injected intravenously in to a rabbit and again in to the skin two or three weeks later, what is the necrotizing reaction that occurs as the site of the second injection________?
- Atopy
- Anaphylaxis
- Arthus phenomenon ✔️
- Serum sickness
- Which is type II hypersensitivity ?
- Anaphylaxis
- Delayed hypersensitivity
- Immune complex mediated
- Cytotoxic / cytolytic type ✔️
- A person working in an abattoir presented with a papule on hand, which turned in to an ulcer. Which will best help in diagnosis______?
- Trichrome Methylene blue ✔️
- Carbol Fuschin
- Acid Fast Stain
- Calcoflour White
- The earliest identifiable cells of T-Cell lineage during maturation are_______?
- CD7+ Pro-T-Cells ✔️
- CD5+ Pre-T-Cells
- CD8+ Pro-T-Cells
- CD8+ Pre-T-Cells
- The following immunoglobulin is not known to fix complement______?
- IgE ✔️
- IgM
- IgA
- IgG
- The reaginic antibody is______?
- IgG
- IgA
- IgD
- IgE ✔️
- Secondary response is mediated by______?
- IgG ✔️
- IgA
- IgM
- IgE
- Portion of immunoglobulin molecule with molecular weight to 50000______?
- Secretory piece
- H chain ✔️
- L chain
- J piece
- Which of the following is true about pasteurization ?
- It kills bacteria and spores
- It kills all bacteria except thermoduric bacteria ✔️
- It kills 95% of microorganisms
- Tubercle bacilli are destroyed
- Oil and Grease are sterilized by_______?
- Hot air oven ✔️
- Auto claving
- Irradiation
- Ethylene dioxide
- Hot air oven is used for sterilization of all EXCEPT______?
- Glassware
- Rubber tubes ✔️
- Sharp instrument
- Liquid paraffin
- Endoscopes are sterilized by using_____?
- Autoclaving
- Boiling ✔️
- Cidex
- Gamma radiation
- Killer and Helper cells are part of_______?
- B cells
- T cells ✔️
- Monocytes
- Macrophage
- T cells multiplication is stimulated by______?
- Macrolin
- Heat
- Bovine serum
- Phytohaemagglutinin ✔️
- Same or closely related antigens present in different biological species are known as_____?
- Suquestrated antigens
- Isoantigens
- Haptens
- Heterophile antigens ✔️
- Rh incompatibility is which type of hyper sensitivity reaction ?
- Type I
- Type II ✔️
- Type III
- Type IV
- The killer cells are associated with immunologic response_______?
- Type I
- Type II ✔️
- Type III
- Type IV
- The prototype of Type II hypersensitivity reaction is_____?
- Arthus reaction
- Auto immune hemolytic anemia ✔️
- Contact dermatitis
- Cold sterilization refers to the process of sterilization by use of_______?
- Ultra violet rays
- Ultrasonic vibrations
- Infrared rays
- Gamma rays ✔️
- A woman with infertility receives an ovary transplant from her sister who is an identical Twin. What type of graft it is ?
- Xenograft
- Autograft
- Allograft
- Isograft ✔️
- Type I hypersensitivity is mediated by which of the following immunoglobulins ?
- IgA
- IgG
- IgM
- IgE ✔️
- Active artificial immunization is induced by the administration of all of the following EXCEPT______?
- Bacterial products
- Toxoids
- Vaccines
- Antitoxins ✔️
- Immunity that is conferred to the foetus by transfer of IgG and IgA antibodies is called as______?
- Active acquired immunity
- Passive acquired immunity
- Natural active immunity
- Passive natural immunity ✔️
- The protective effects breast milk are known to be associated with______?
- IgM antibodies
- Lysozyme
- Mast cells
- IgA antibodies ✔️
- IL-1 and TNF a during inflammation are secreted by_______?
- Plasma cells
- Activated macrophages ✔️
- Lymphocytes
- Platelet
- Virus infected cell is killed by____?
- Interferons ✔️
- Macrophages
- Neutrophils
- Autolysis
- Prozone phenomenon is due to______?
- Disproportionate antigen antibody levels
- Excess antigen
- Excess antibody ✔️
- Hyper immune reaction
- Most sensitive test for antigen detection is_______?
- Radioimmuno Assay ✔️
- Immunoflourescence
- Passive hemaglutination
- Complement binding immunoglobin via the classical pathway is_______?
- IgG & igM ✔️
- IgG & IgA
- IgG & IgD
- IgD & IgE
- Function of Ig A is_____?
- Acts as a mucosal barrier for infection ✔️
- Circulating antibody
- Kills virus infected cells
- Activates macrophages
- Antigen combining site of the antibody is______?
- Idiotope
- Paratope ✔️
- Epitope
- Hapten
- Opsonisation is by_____?
- IgA
- IgE
- IgG
- IgM
- Both C & D ✔️
- Endotoxins are produced by_____?
- Fungi
- Gram +ve bacteria
- Virus
- Gram -ve bacteria ✔️
- The antigen used in Weil Felix test is obtained from______?
- Pseudomonas
- coli
- Proteus ✔️
- Staphylococcus
- Most of the drug resistances occurs due to______?
- Transduction
- Transformation
- Mutation
- conjugation ✔️
- Spores are disinfected by______?
- Glutaraldehyde
- Betapropiolactone
- Formaldehyde
- Hexachlorophen
- Both A & C ✔️
- Flash pasteurization of milk is done at what temperature_____?
- 125°C for new seconds
- 60°C for 15 minutes
- 72°C for 5 minutes
- 72° for 15 – 20 Sec ✔️
- Mesophilic organisms are those that grow best at temperature of____?
- -20°C to -7°C
- -7°C to + 20°C
- 25°C to 40°C ✔️
- 55°C to 80°C
- The mechanism of genetic transfer where a phage serves as a vehicle is____?
- Transformation
- Translation
- Conjugation
- Lysogeny ✔️
- Dorset’s egg medium is used for cultivation of______?
- Staphylococcus
- Streptococcus
- Gonococcus
- Mycobacterium ✔️
- Culture medium for corynebacterium diphtheria____?
- Loefflers serum slope ✔️
- Mc Conkey
- Saboraud agar
- Lowenstein Jensen medium
- The best skin disinfectant is_____?
- Chlorhexdine ✔️
- Alcohol
- Savlon
- None of the above
- The usual concentration of agar used in agar medium is______?
- 10%
- 2% ✔️
- 5%
- 15%
- Louis Pasteur is not associated with_____?
- Introduction of complex media
- Discovery of Rabies Vaccine
- Discovery of M. Tuberculosis ✔️
- Disproved spontaneous regression theory
- Anaerobic bacteria can be cultured in_______?
- L-J medium
- Robertson cooked meat medium ✔️
- Loefflers medium
- Sabourauds agar
- Characters of exotoxin include all, except_____?
- Protein polysaccharide complex ✔️
- Heat labile
- Highly potent
- Has specific tissue affinity
- Following reaction are produced by heterophil antigens except______?
- Forssman antigen antibody reaction
- Weil-Felix reaction
- Paul bunnel reaction
- Widal reaction ✔️
- Adjuvant given along with antigens are going to_____?
- Increase toxigenicity
- Increase antigenicity ✔️
- Reduce the antigenicity
- reduce the toxigenicity
- IgG has subclasses______?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4 ✔️
The questions are typically designed to assess the technical skills and knowledge required for the laboratory profession, including the ability to analyze laboratory test results, perform laboratory procedures, and maintain laboratory equipment.
To prepare for these MCQs, candidates should have a thorough understanding of the key concepts and principles of laboratory science. They should also be familiar with common laboratory equipment and procedures, as well as laboratory safety protocols.
Candidates may also benefit from studying specific laboratory science textbooks or taking online courses that cover the material tested in the MCQs. Additionally, practicing sample MCQs and reviewing the answers can help candidates identify areas where they may need to improve their knowledge or skills.
Overall, the MCQs for lab technologists are designed to be challenging and comprehensive, requiring candidates to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the field of laboratory science.
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