- Selection of Donors
- General considerations
- Medical assessment
- Medical history of donors
- Conditions necessitating permanent exclusion
- Conditions necessitating temporary deferral
- Pregnancy
- Donors on treatment with drugs
- Infectious diseases
- Tropical diseases
- Inoculations and immunisations
- Physical examination of donors
- Quality Assurance at Blood Donor Sessions
- General specifications
- Records
- Documentation
- Control of purchased materiel and services
- Collection control
- Preservation of product quality.
- General Guidelines for Component Manufacture
- Scope of the Guidelines
- Setting and maintenance of specifications
- Component and process monitoring tests
- Component processing
- Component shelf life
- Component labelling
- Component storage
- Discard of non-conforming components
- Component release
- Transport of blood components
- Component recal1
- Guideline Specifications for Blood Components
- Whole blood
- Red cells in additive solution
- Red cells, leucocyte depleted
- Red cells, washed
- Platelets
- Platelets, pooled, leucocyte depleted
- Platelets, apheresis
- Platelets, apheresis, leucocyte depleted
- Granulocytes, Apheresis
- Fresh frozen plasma
- Cryoprecipitate
- Cryosupernatant Plasma
- Components for neonates
- Irradiated components
- General Specifications for Donor Sessions
- Donor identification
- Haemoglobin or haematocrit screening
- Preparation of the venepuncture site
- Preparation of the blood pack
- Performance of the venepuncture
- Blood donation
- Declaration of health
- Premises
- General considerations
- Activities to be noted when selecting venue(s) for mobile session
- Health and safety factors to be considered
- Specifications for Laboratory Test Procedures
- General Considerations
- Scope
- Test reagents, kits and equipment
- Reporting results
- Release of tested components
- Mandatory Testing of Blood Donations
- Blood group serology tests
- Microbiology tests
- Additional Testing of Selected Donations
- Antibody to cytomegalovirus
- General Considerations
- Requirements for Safe and Effective Transportation of Blood and Blood Components.
- Transportation between donor sessions and blood centre
- Whole blood and red cell components
- Platelet
- Plasma components
- Transfer between centers or hospitals
- Requirements for Blood Bag Labels
- General Guidelines for Serological Tests
- Introduction
- Grading system for agglutination tests
- Test Red Cells
- Test tubes
- Centrifugation following the addition of AHG reagent.
- Centrifugation and reading serological tests.
- Non-serological tests
- Specificity tests
- Serological Guidelines for ABO and RhD Blood Grouping Reagents
- Introduction
- Potency of ABO blood grouping reagents used in manual or microplate tests
- Potency of ABO blood grouping reagents used in manual or microplate tests
- Avidity of ABO blood grouping reagents for use in manual slide tests
- Specificity of anti-D blood grouping reagents used in manual or microplate tests.
- Potency of anti-D blood grouping reagents used in manual or microplate tests,
- Avidity of anti-D blood grouping reagents for use in manual slide tests
- Guidelines for Reagent Red Cells
- Guidelines for testing reagent red cells
- Preparation of reagent red cells
- Enzyme- treated reagent red cells
- Reagent red cells for use in ABO grouping
- Reagent red cells for use in RhD grouping
- Reagent red cells for use in antibody screening
- Reagent red cells for use in antibody identification
- Reagent red cells for use in the control of the anti- human globulin technique
- Guidelines for Clinical use of Blood and Blood Products
- Red Cell Preparations
- Platelet Concentrates
- Plasma
- Albumin
- Intra Venous (IV) Immune Globuline
- Hemophilia Treatment.
Possible References Used